Saturday, July 18, 2009

Have you ever had any crazy food aversions while pregnant?

Currently mine is Hamburgers, (among other things- hamburgers is the worst though)

I can't think about them, be near them, drive by them, etc... It's bad.

The other day we were *attempting* to play outside. (It was 7pm and still 110 degrees) and all of the sudden I start smelling Hamburgers, my next door neighbor was BBQing them. I puked in the nearest bush and begged my kids to go inside.

Of course because of this, my kids have never wanted them more. They beg for them all the time, so Hubbie BBQ'd some the other day and the smell was everywhere. I had to leave. I said I was going to the store, but I went to Taco Bell and enjoyed a nice, quiet (burger free) lunch all by myself. I'm not gonna lie, it was kind of glorious.

So what were yours and how did you deal with them?


JT42 said...

no aversions really, just craving after craving...kind of obnoxious really.
although i do have gestational diabetes so i purposely have to avert foods...the good ones too, like all my cravings-again quite obnoxious! and i have to start early on the "diet" this time, so i just can't give into any a big jamba juice, i will be having one in the hospital the middle of February!! :D

Adrienne said...

Yeah, mine was Indian people, particularly the old male version. Any thing they did or said made me want to throw up all over them. Just being around them made me totally nauseous, which was hard because that meant I was always feeling sick at work. Oh wait... you meant food...
(I swear I'm not the most horrible, racist person ever.)

Hailee said...

I couldn't stand tomato sauce during my first pregnancy. So no spaghetti or pizza. I like them again now though. One weird thing was that I started liking things I had previously not liked. I started LOVING lemon in my water, and pretty much anything lemon. I also started eating a lot of chocolate, which I never really cared about before. Those new preferences stuck around even after the pregnancy.

Train Gang said...

ANY meat! meats are just so bad for all of my pregnancies. the worst offenders: hamburgers, pepperoni, taco bell, and usually fried is the only meat I think sounds good...and then they say you aren't supposed to have it. (or in moderation, whatever.)

Kathy said...

During my first pregnancy it was sweets, especially glad I got over that once the baby was born!! :D With the other two just the smell of my prenatal vitamins or apple juice made me nauseous. Unfortunately I had to suck it up and deal with the vitamin smell, but I still can't deal with applejuice in the's the only thing that ever actually made me vomit while pregnant.