Friday, June 26, 2009

Another quote of the day for you.

The other day Hubbie was taking Squirt to the bathroom. He got down off the toilet and hubbie said "okay, pull up your pants and lets go"

Squirt promptly replied:

"I have to pull up my underware first- you Idiot"

I swear, it never gets old with this kid!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Quote of the Day

"I hate your butt, mommy"
- Squirt, an annoyingly opinionated 3 year old

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today I found Squirt butt-naked and dancing on the table.

It was one of those moments that make a mom proud.

I really do think he has the potential for a very promising career.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My newest house cleaning tool...

Don't you love when you just find something that works?? And you just want to tell everyone because it is just that cool??

Here's the steps to make this work:

Leave your child's car seat in the middle of the room. This car seat that they probably hate and scream every time they get in it in the car will now become a very cool toy. Don't force them to sit in it. It has to be their idea to make this work.

Turn on their most favorite show, the louder the better.

Next give them a bag of food... cereal, crackers, whatever works for you.

Then........ wait for them to buckle themselves in because that is just the coolest thing ever.

Then leave the room, knowing that your child isn't going ANYWHERE and clean. clean. clean. (or read or nap for that matter!)

People, I got a good 25 minutes of un-interupted cleaning time.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

A real MOM dilemma

What do you do when your 3 year old refuses syrup for his waffles and instead wants RANCH DIP?!!??!!??

Do you give in??

I tried ignoring him, I tried refusing him.

I then gave in, waiting for him to puke. (and took a picture, and a bad one at that!)

The verdict?........ DELICIOUS!

I'll excuse you while you go vomit!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Move over Martha...

A few weeks ago (okay really maybe months) my mother-in-law brought me the stuff to make whole wheat bread. Like, totally whole wheat bread. Hers is decisious! (She does also have a Bosch) So we finally got around to doing it.

First we had to grind the wheat. It was very loud!

And we made a SERIOUS mess, all part of the experience!

Then we mixed it. And mixed it. Forever. Hopefully my KitchenAid recovers!

Then we let it rise. Boring.

Then it was done, and beautiful!

They gave it a thumbs UP! (can't you tell, they are really saying: Stop taking my picture you crazy lady and let me eat the bread already!)

And I bet next time, if I follow the directions (oops! i'm not very good at that part) it'll be even better!