Thursday, August 19, 2010

DO NOT feed the girl potatoes...

She is NOT a fan:
which is kindof a tragedy.
She can't be my baby if she doesn't like potatoes. They're like in my blood!
That face was her saying "Please no more mom, please!" But she'd open her mouth when the spoon got near and then start gagging again!

And here's one for you:
Just cause she's so fat and cute:)

Friday, August 13, 2010

From here on out she shall be known as...


... and she's 6 months old now! Here's what she's accomplished so far:

*She sleeps 12 hours a night. STRAIGHT. NO JOKE. SHE'S AN ANGEL.
*Her eyes are turning BROWN. I have mixed feelings about this. But they are BEAUTIFUL!
*She's weighing in at 17lbs!
*She has the chunkiest thighs. I can't help but squeeze them.
*She starting to sit on her own. (Still needs help there though)
*She's already starting to crawl. So far only backwards though.
*She loves food. Obviously!
She likes to talk. ALOT. We're probably really going to hate this in a few years:(
*She loves to smile, and crinkles her nose now when she's really happy.
*She's starting to reach for things, and can put her binky back in her mouth now.
*She's starting to hold her bottle on her own. I can't go far though. When she drops it, she gets MAD.
*She loves her brothers and her Daddy, and she's starting to cry when I leave the room. I have mixed feelings about this too. It's good to know I'm loved but really I like to do things like use the bathroom BY MYSELF. Ya know?!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our Newest Form...

of Punishment Discipline:

The other day Hubby got back talked to. Big surprise around my house! Rather than getting mad I heard him say "10 pushups- NOW" and Little Man just dropped down and did it. I was shocked. The same thing for Squirt. Hubbie said "Well, I figured since they'd be doing so many they would at least benefit physically from it"

And today something amazing happened. I asked Squirt to get his shoes on (a huge battle every morning in my house) and then a minute later I asked again, with out looking to see if he did it. Because he never does. He says to me "Mom, I already did." And there he was, standing there with his shoes on. I was speechless.

So there you have it folks. PUSHUPS WORK.

Look we even make Ladybug do them when she back talks:
Ok just kidding, this is her trying her hardest to CRAWL!