Thursday, October 30, 2008

The true meaning of Halloween

Last night was our ward's Trunk or Treat. We we're getting ready and Squirt was walking around chanting "Can-ee, Can-ee, Can-ee..." when I heard Little Man say "Squirt stop talking about Candy, Halloween is really about Jesus." So I went in and told him that "no, Halloween is really just about candy. Easter and Christmas are really about Jesus." to this he replied: "Awesome" and started chanting "Candy" with Squirt.

Monday, October 20, 2008

This was too funny not to share...

We were making cookies Saturday Night, we were making Snickerdoodle's- you know, the kind you roll in a ball and then dip in cinnamon and sugar, well Little Man was about to dig in, when I said "When was the last time you washed your hands?" He thought about it for a minute and then replied: "Um, probably like on Monday!"

Friday, October 17, 2008


I've been busy the past few weeks... remember those boogers I talked about in my last post?? Well, they got spread to the entire Family, except me oddly enough. So I was left to care for my ailing family and fill in at work for the rest of the ailing family. Now that everybody is better, I'll probably get sick! I'll try to update some more later!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A few things I learned...

... while having a slumber party with a 4 yr-old, 6 yr-old (my nephews) and my 5 yr-old and 2 yr-old...

... did you know that putting an oreo in your fish tank WILL kill your fish?

... other people's kids booger's are so gross.

... having a 4, 5, and 6 year old sleep in a bed together is a BAD idea!

... double the kids = triple the noise.

... aparently my nephews don't understand english, because any time I asked them to do something they looked at me like I was speaking another language

... the 2 year old will be at the bottom of the pecking order and will end up with welts covering his body from being pelted with a plastic ball by the older boys.

... it's a bad idea, but my kids love it!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Boys are so fun

I've always wanted a girl but I tell you what, boys are so fun... most of the time. Today we were playing pirates and we all had a sword (mine was actually a plastic knife?!) and we're sword fighting in the kitchen, each taking turns dying. Tonight Squirt comes up to me, handing me my "sword" and says - and I quote "Mommy, want to kill me?" It was too funny to not play with him. Can you imagine the explaining I'd have to do if he'd said that out in public??!

Oh... and my favorite "Why" of the day:

(we were at Walmart, just walking out the door)
Squirt hold my hand. -- WHY?
I don't want you to get hit by a car. --WHY?

seriously, I'm done rationalizing with this kid!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Why, oh why, did my 2 year old learn the word why?? And who taught it to him?? If I find out I'm going to give them a piece of my mind!!

They're not like "Why is the sky blue" type questions either, just why.
"Squirt, please stop bouncing on the arm of the sofa" WHY?
"Squirt, don't climb the pantry" WHY?
"Squirt, get off the counter" WHY?
"Squirt, don't cough on the cookie dough" WHY?

It's almost bed time... I might survive!