Here's the steps to make this work:
Leave your child's car seat in the middle of the room. This car seat that they probably hate and scream every time they get in it in the car will now become a very cool toy. Don't force them to sit in it. It has to be their idea to make this work.
Turn on their most favorite show, the louder the better.
Next give them a bag of food... cereal, crackers, whatever works for you.
Then........ wait for them to buckle themselves in because that is just the coolest thing ever.
Then leave the room, knowing that your child isn't going ANYWHERE and clean. clean. clean. (or read or nap for that matter!)
People, I got a good 25 minutes of un-interupted cleaning time.
Wow! that is amazing! You should patent that one...I think it would sell BIG!
This is awesome! I'm going to have to remember that in a couple years... =)
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