Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Half way there...

I'm officially 20 weeks people!!!! I'm half way done. At the beginning I never thought I'd make it this far. I was so sure I would die long before now. I'm finally starting to feel better, I still can't eat anything "good" (you know, french fries, chocolate, etc...) but that's okay. I'm finally starting to feel her really move, which is very cool. Hubbie even felt it the other night. The boys aren't patient enough yet to sit and wait to feel her move, as she gets a little stronger I'm sure they'll feel it.

And for your viewing pleasure:

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JT42 said...

you made it, I made it! halfway, it's all down hill from here ;)
you look great!!

Train Gang said...

yah!!! I know that feeling like you'll never make it even the halfway point. and the last half you won't feel sick and maybe you'll even like sweets again (I know thats all I eat now! I actually made apple pie one night this week for dinner. DINNER!...and then tonight was mutual and I knew we were having dessert so I just skipped dinner again so I could eat the dessert...its lots of fun!)

Nancy said...

Julia I am glad that you are feeling better. I can't believe you are half way, it has gone so fast. It has gone fast for us, but I am sure it is quite slow for you.

mechan said...

I am 4 weeks ahead of you. My kids get a kick at seeing him move and felling him move. That is the highlight of their day.

That Girl said...


I'm only fourteen.

I covet.

Kaya said...

1/2 way!!! That's awesome, and you look so cute!