Thursday, September 24, 2009

Some New Pics for You!

Here are some pics of the kids.

Baby "I'll never have a name" is totally sucking her thumb in #1 and #2 is proof that she's a girl!

Then there is Little Man and Squirt. I didn't want to spend money on the school pictures that are poor quality and usually pretty expensive. So I took the kids to WalMart because they had a $7.99 special. $75 later I got some great pics. Hubbie didn't exactly see the logic in spending $75 to save $40, but you do right?



Train Gang said...

the sucking thumb???!!!! that has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen!!!!

The boys are pretty darn cute too :)

{krista} said...

They are SO CUTE!!! Seriously cute boys you have there, and your little girl is going to be seriously cute, too.

Robyn said...

I TOTALLY see the point! Especially after seeing the pictures...they're adorable! vote is on Avery. Cute! Our #3 could possibly be here this week and still doesn't have a middle name. When I bring it up to Mike he makes a joke and changes the subject. Umm...she IS coming soon! I totally get the frustration!