Thursday, December 4, 2008

My most forgiving husband...

I always cut my boys hair because frankly I'm not paying almost $20 for someone to shave my boys head. So a couple months ago Hubbie decided he too was feeling to cheap and let me try it... and I did a great job. Yesterday he asked me to cut his hair, so I got out the clippers and went to town. I was using a '2' on the sides, well because of the layout of our bathroom, I couldn't fit around Hubbie sitting in a chair, so I figured I'd do one side and then the other. So I started with the '2' on one side, then took it off and trimmed the edges with just the bare trimmers. Well I then climbed over him to do the other side (you see where this is going don't you?!?!). Well at that exact moment I heard a crash and a yell from the living room, so I went running to rescue Squirt (nothing too catastrophic happened) and came back picked up the clippers and started shaving. Wait, did you miss the part where I said I took the '2' off?? Yeah, well I didn't put it back on, and started cutting again!!!!!! One good swipe of his hair made me gasp, and then hit the ground, I was laughing (to keep from crying) while Hubbie was turning red in the chair. Once he took a breathe and I regained my composure, he told me I better fix this NOW! So I had to shave all the side (totally buzz cut). I think I made it look good but it is soooo short, like military short. While trying to rescue the situation he says to me "I know it was an accident. I'm not mad." Can you believe that? He wasn't even mad. I mean, if he did that to me I'd have killed him and then told him to pack his bags. To top it all off, we were having dinner with his family that night and everyone that walked in the door was like "Wow, your hair is really short" and then he had to tell them the story. It was pretty awful.


Nate said...

Maybe he won't make you cut it any more! I do Nate's hair, but it looks different every time, and we might be blogging about the same kind of accident at some point.

Genny said...

That is so funny! That happened to JJ a few months ago too- only he did it to himself! So don't feel too bad :)

Nancy said...

If his hair grows as fast as mine it will be grown out by the time we get there.

{krista} said...

Oh my gosh, I'd have to move out if I did this to Cody, but he's a little overprotective of his hair! LOL Thankfully, hair grows quickly.