Monday, April 30, 2012

Christopher Creek

We went on our first camping adventure of 2012. We went to Christopher Creek, which was about 2 1/2 hours away. Just far enough to be out of cell phone range for 2 blissfully quiet days. (Well phone quiet I mean, it's never QUIET around here.)

While Little Man and Hubbie got the fishing out of their system, Squirt, Ladybug & I went on an awesome adventure. If you ask Squirt we explored the WHOLE MOUNTAIN and were gone all day.  Really, we never went out of site of the tent and were gone about 30 minutes!

 Brrr... the water was FREEZING.
 There was lots of Hammock time. Or fighting, depending on what you call it at your house!  I love this pic cause they're totally holding hands!   

And maybe we'll have Dad tie the hammock next time... Sorry about that kids:-)
 The girls watching the boys fish.

 He lasted like 30 seconds before he was bored out of his mind.
 This one however, was so patient, he could have fished ALL DAY!
 The 2 fish they kept, Squirt swears he caught that one with his bare hands??  (He's such a liar!)
 Does life get any better than a nap in a hammock?
 S'mores.  And OH.MY.GOODNESS.  A 2 year old and a camp fire is enough to cause serious heart problems. She just WOULDN'T.SIT.STILL.  She's just SO happy though. Love these 3!

We had a good time and we'll be adding Christopher Creek to our list of favorites. Hopefully we'll be back soon.   Hubbie just got called to be Scout Master in our ward so we'll have lots of adventures this summer I'm sure!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

How fun!!!! The kids are so cute and it looks like they loved it.