Friday, May 8, 2009

So maybe I'm being over dramatic about the art thing, because he is lucky to have art (it's all-day kindergarten) but seriously, I find it hard to believe that he didn't do ONE project the whole year? He's started being really creative in his drawings at home, so I was actually shocked to see the scribbles he brought home. To me this says that it's: "Here, color this piece of paper while I play on the internet" type of work. Maybe she's more into the abstract form of art?

And of course, I saved them anyway!


Hailee said...

I thought the same thing about Jane's art in kindergarten last year. And they can't tell me it's too hard to get kindergarteners to focus and successfully complete a decent art project because I used to work at a day care where I had to do a craft project with pre-school through first grade kids EVERY DAY. The bigger disappointment to me is the music program. This year and last year all they have done is learn a play the entire year. They begin on day one and perform the play the last week of school and that is ALL THEY DO. The play is really lame and the songs are along the lines of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, only not as pretty.

{krista} said...

You are right. I helped in Ashlee's kindergarten class and while having them scribble on a piece of paper is so easy, it was SO much fun to help them with big projects that involved cutting and pasting and painting and all that other fun stuff. That's what they love to do. They can scribble on the paper at home. Maybe in first grade they'll do more? Though around here, the older they get, the less they do. Ashlee rarely does art projects now in 2nd grade.

~Sonia said...

Your concerns are definately valid and should be taken to the principle.
Picking up on art skills is a learned thing. Yes there is time for imagination but not 36 weeks at half/full hour.

It is amazing how parents keep their childrens creative treasures.