Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quote of the Day

slinky Pictures, Images and Photos
Some People are Like Slinkies -
Not Really Good for Anything but They Bring a Smile to Your Face
When Pushed Down the Stairs.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation...

Watch Our First Grade... Little Man is on his way!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

popcorn Pictures, Images and Photos
We are popcorn people. Love It! Last night however, I wanted carmel popcorn. Little Man was all excited but as I took out the butter, then the brown sugar and then the Karo he says to me: "Ummm... Mom... I don't think I should eat that. That does not look healthy!"


Oh well, more for me!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

There was a cable channel Little Man really really wanted. Speed Vision. AKA Montser Trucks all the time. Great. I promised I'd call to see how much it would cost, mainly so he would shutup about it. Sorry, that was a BAD WORD. I'm not one to give into things like this, but I thought well I can ask and see if I can get them to give it to me for free. (Actually I had Hubbie do it, I was late for work) anyways...
He called and asked when our contract was up.
Oh Sir, you're not currently in a contract.
Oh, so I could cancel?
Please hold.


He got transfered to an "Account Specialist" who doubled our package, and gave us 3 different movie channels, 2 free for 3 months, the other free for a year and CUT my bill by $20 a month. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. And Speed Vision was included so now Little Man is happy. The whole point in my telling you that though, was because we also got the Game Show Network. Which is SO.COOL.

We are LINGO freaks now. Friday nights you'll find me and my 2 boys curled up on my bed shouting 5 letter words at the TV. It's funny because I'm actually trying, Little Man is just shouting words that start with the given letter and Squirt is just an echo.

Good Times people. Good Times.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Stop and Look around

I totally hi-jacked this from The Chocolate Chip Waffle
but it was the inspiration I needed today to keep going .
Ever have one of those days?

Friday, May 8, 2009

So maybe I'm being over dramatic about the art thing, because he is lucky to have art (it's all-day kindergarten) but seriously, I find it hard to believe that he didn't do ONE project the whole year? He's started being really creative in his drawings at home, so I was actually shocked to see the scribbles he brought home. To me this says that it's: "Here, color this piece of paper while I play on the internet" type of work. Maybe she's more into the abstract form of art?

And of course, I saved them anyway!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dear Art Teacher...

at my son's school,

Thank you for finally sending all my son's art projects home. This is something I've been waiting and looking forward to the whole year. After all, he is a Kindergartner and I'm a crazy mom who loves to save every piece of art he's ever created. Just to let you know he came home last week, declaring that he now wants to be an artist when he grows up. He loves to draw and is always doing it. So dear teacher, imagine my surprise when he brings home a 2 inch thick pile of papers that are all scribbles. Is that the kind-of art that you are teaching these days? I have much higher hopes for next year!


Overly annoying parent of a Kindergartener.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm in love with Matthew McConaughey

and the funny thing is... I didn't even know it.

So Hubbie took me to see the new movie "The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" and pointed out that I've dragged him to see every Matthew McConaughey movie ever made. Really?? Yup, I think he's right. He also pointed out that I wanted to name Squirt- Matthew instead, (but lost obviously, Squirt's much cuter though, don't you think?) I tried to defend myself that I really just liked the name, but he didn't believe me. I mean come on, I just found out that I was in love with him, so how did I want to name my baby after him, 3 years ago?? Still no convincing him.

So while watching the movie, I tried not to watch with a starry eyed look on my face, like a 12 year old at a Jonas Brothers concert. I tried not to smile every time Matthew McConaughey took his shirt off. I tried. But I failed. Huh.... who knew. I really am in love with Matthew McConaughey.

And actually, it was a really good movie. I laughed, I cried. Go see it, or wait for it to come out on DVD, cause there 7 people total in the theater. It'll be there soon.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I heard a clunking noise coming from the kitchen and found Squirt in there, walking around in my shoes. (the ones that should be against the law, they are so painful, the ones I wear anyway becasue they make my legs look awesome, you know, doesn't everyone have a pair like that?)

anyway, I wanted to take a picture to show Hubbie, because it drives him crazy when our boys do anything "girly." I told Squirt to turn sideways (meaning so I could see the shoes) and this is what I got:

I love the way kids interpret things! Silly kid.

And please don't mind the cupboards behind them with out doors, Hubbie took them off to paint them. Like 2 weeks ago. I don't know when they'll be coming back. On the upside, there have been no doors for little boys to slam, and it's super easy access to pots and pans. I mean opening a door is such a burden!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Let's Play "I Spy"

You know those fun "I Spy" Games? My kids love them. I made one just for you:

I spy 8 water bottles, 14 socks, mis-matched pajama, 5 bouncy balls, 2 rotten oranges, 7 toy cars, Donatello's Head (TMNT- ((and if you know what that stands for you are just one super cool mom!)), 2 lost shoes, 53 cents, a grocery add from January, all the little marbles to Hungry Hungry Hippos, and enough sand to re-fill a large beach.
Did you find it all? Fun huh?? It was so nice of my children (and husband-since most of the socks were his) to shove all of this under my couch just for you!
Let's play again in a few months.