Thursday, June 19, 2008


Joscelyn, this post is for you...

Okay, I did it, I finally read Twilight, and then New Moon, I'm waiting to bumm Eclipse from my mother in law when she's done. I was having trouble finding copies of them, I had them on hold at the library but that was taking too long, everyone I asked said no, they'd borrowed them from someone else. Someone told me to go into the young womens room on sunday and just ask who had the books, I thought- Heck no, I am not even about to do that... Finally my mother in law bought them!

Where have I been? These are the best books. I think this was my worst reading episode so far. I read both books over a 3 day period, I would have done it quicker but I had to do some work, apparently these kids need to fed and bathed... how annoying. I couldn't concentrate on anything else, I just had to know what was going on with Bella... After I finish them both I said to Hubbie "She's in love with a vampire and her best friend's a werewolf..." and he kindof gave this crazy one eye brow raised look, and said "And it's actually good?" When I "resurfaced" from reading, my house was a disaster. I promised Little Man that I wouldn't do that ever again, I'll just have to read after they go to bed. I was like a full on negligent mother... But anyways, read them if you haven't all ready! Oh Man, so good.


{krista} said...

Too bad you aren't closer, as I have them all! I just today started reading her next book, The Host and I'm too afraid to get too far into it out of fear I won't be able to put it down until I'm done!

Our Pease Pod said...

Dear Dear Dear Julia-Yeah! I knew you would love them. When I read you blog-I called Doug over to the computer and said See-I told you. It's so funny-I can hardly type because I am so happy. It's too funny-I was actually working on invites to our Twilight party while checking out blogs. On August 1st a bunch of us are getting together and having a pre-party and then all going over to Barnes and Noble for the midnight release of Breaking Dawn.

It's funny how you said "Where have I been" because I totally feel like thats me-only with blogging. I am only just getting into it and it seems everyones been doing one for a while. I have been so obsessed with the books, websites, movie news, etc. that I feel like I have been in a daze. You will love when you get the chance-just wait till you see the homepage-you will laugh (it has to do with Twilight obsessions). It's funny-it was about a year ago that I started reading them (and have reread and reread them-I do love lots of other books, but it is a very exciting time for Twilight-like last Harry Potter book exciting)and I still don't feel like I can get enough. It's a little overwhelming. On the TwilightMoms group they have a widowers group for the husbands who have been neglected. I finally bought the books because I was recommending them so much and they were so hard to get a hold of.

Wow-sorry this is a long comment. You should get Scott to read them, it takes a little convincing but guys are starting to come around. Doug finally said he was going to read them-but more than likely he will just see the movie-it's going to be so good.

Thank you Julia-you totally made my day!!!!!

S and RA Beazer said...

Ack, I am a freak. I read Twilight, enjoyed it, started New Moon and got bored with it. So I returned it and didn't even bother with Eclipse. I will go see the movie when it comes out. I know a few others who had the same problem. I love to recomend it to the students and read enough to talk intelligently with them. Oh and yes even the boys at school are reading them and loving it. Just not me.

Genny said...

Did I ever tell you Stephenie was in my ward for a while? That was before her dream and subsequent best sellers.

Man I miss chatting with you in Primary :o)