Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Little Man turned 5!

(this is an old pic, but it shows those gorgeous brown eyes)

He's 5, seriously, how did this happen??

and oh boy is he 5... this the coversation that we had this morning, apparently upon turning 5, you develop great strength and deeper insight overnight.

him: Oh, I'm 5 now, I can do the monkey bars... (bolting out the door)
me: (screaming his name) No you cannot do the monkey bars now just because your 5.
him: but I'm 5 now, so I'm grown up more.
me: you still need to practice, and I don't have the money to take you to the emergency room when you fall and break your leg.
him: i'm not going to break my leg, I'm 5 mom!
this conversation went on a while.

this was our coversation this afternoon:

me: what kindof pizza do you want?
him: pepperoni... oh wait I'm 5 now, maybe I'll have something else, like the stuff you get
me: really??
him (at the pizza place later): eww that's gross, i just want pepperoni!

He opened his presents about an hour ago, they included several new transformers and I haven't heard from him since!

Oh and I also had to explain that yes he did turn 5 today, but that doesn't mean you go to kindergarten today, and not tomorrow either.

It's been a really long day!


Genny said...

Happy Birthday Chasetin!

Your post made me laugh. What a funny kid! I can't wait to have conversations like that with Rylie!

S and RA Beazer said...

Don't you just love the innocense of children. They are so wise and loving and fun. You are a treat mother. i only wish you lived closer so we could know the cute little ones better. We'll just have to settle for your baby brother.

JT42 said...

it's so true the conversations that happen once they are 5, apparently they've been told that they are all grown up and big kids when that magical number comes about, especially in reference to school!

Our Pease Pod said...

Ahhhhh-So cute! I love the 5 yr old dialogue. Someone must tell them that 5 is practically an adult because all of a sudden they think they can do everything.

Kailey is so excited for kindergarten-me too. It has taken forever to get here (mostly because everyday she asks am I going to school today).

The Prices said...

Sounds like the exact conversations I had with Treygan when he had his birthday.