Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Congrats to my brother and his wife, they found out they're having a girl! We're so excited for them, especially since baby has been very stubborn and held out her identity for so long! I told Little Man that Aunt Adrienne had a baby GIRL in her tummy, and he just said- "Umm... I want a baby sister!" Well, go talk to daddy about that one!?! He was very excited that they might come visit for christmas though, and said "but are they going to bring the baby?" well I'd assume so, and then he was concerned because we don't have any girl clothes here, I tried to assure him that they would bring clothes for her, it's crazy how his mind works.

Oh yeah, and scrap the picture a day thing I mentioned in my last post, man I can't even get caught up with the things I HAVE to do, let alone worry about taking pictures every day. I think this Biology class will KILL me!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

LOL, that is awesome! He's so silly =) So yeah, the plan is to come out for Christmas and bring the baby (and clothes for it)! I'm really excited. Good luck with your class!