Thursday, June 19, 2008


Joscelyn, this post is for you...

Okay, I did it, I finally read Twilight, and then New Moon, I'm waiting to bumm Eclipse from my mother in law when she's done. I was having trouble finding copies of them, I had them on hold at the library but that was taking too long, everyone I asked said no, they'd borrowed them from someone else. Someone told me to go into the young womens room on sunday and just ask who had the books, I thought- Heck no, I am not even about to do that... Finally my mother in law bought them!

Where have I been? These are the best books. I think this was my worst reading episode so far. I read both books over a 3 day period, I would have done it quicker but I had to do some work, apparently these kids need to fed and bathed... how annoying. I couldn't concentrate on anything else, I just had to know what was going on with Bella... After I finish them both I said to Hubbie "She's in love with a vampire and her best friend's a werewolf..." and he kindof gave this crazy one eye brow raised look, and said "And it's actually good?" When I "resurfaced" from reading, my house was a disaster. I promised Little Man that I wouldn't do that ever again, I'll just have to read after they go to bed. I was like a full on negligent mother... But anyways, read them if you haven't all ready! Oh Man, so good.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Little Man turned 5!

(this is an old pic, but it shows those gorgeous brown eyes)

He's 5, seriously, how did this happen??

and oh boy is he 5... this the coversation that we had this morning, apparently upon turning 5, you develop great strength and deeper insight overnight.

him: Oh, I'm 5 now, I can do the monkey bars... (bolting out the door)
me: (screaming his name) No you cannot do the monkey bars now just because your 5.
him: but I'm 5 now, so I'm grown up more.
me: you still need to practice, and I don't have the money to take you to the emergency room when you fall and break your leg.
him: i'm not going to break my leg, I'm 5 mom!
this conversation went on a while.

this was our coversation this afternoon:

me: what kindof pizza do you want?
him: pepperoni... oh wait I'm 5 now, maybe I'll have something else, like the stuff you get
me: really??
him (at the pizza place later): eww that's gross, i just want pepperoni!

He opened his presents about an hour ago, they included several new transformers and I haven't heard from him since!

Oh and I also had to explain that yes he did turn 5 today, but that doesn't mean you go to kindergarten today, and not tomorrow either.

It's been a really long day!

Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm kindof sad that this is the highlight of my week to report here, but Squirt woke up with a dry diaper this morning... that means we're getting somewhere!!!!!!! He's doing awesome, but still won't tell me when he has to go, I've been taking him every hour or so and he'll go. This morning I just let him be, to see if he'd tell me when he had to go (okay actually I was playing on the computer and lost track of time!!) and he had his first accident (well pee accident anyway, he refuses to poop in the potty) in 3 days. So that was a bummer, but that's okay, we're going to get this done!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

To go along with my last post...

This happened the day after the "damn" incident. Somebody cut me off and I mumbled "stupid idiot" and from the back of the car I hear "Mommy, heavenly father doesn't like us to use those words." Thank you child of mine!

In other news, I've been potty training for the last 3 days, really potty training this time, this is really not fun. I bought him "big boy" underware, which he is very excited to wear. The first day was rough, the kid was peeing every 10 minutes. So I set the timer for 7 minutes and thought I'll catch him this time, and ... he pee'd at 5 minutes. I'm more thankful for my "pergo" floors more now than ever. He won't tell me when he needs to go, but he'll tell me "uh-oh, I poopy!" (poopy is the only potty word he knows so it covers all areas!) It is really cute though because he get's so excited when he does it right, and of course he get's candy! Last night was so funny though, Scott had to go to mutual and when he left Tanner was standing in the middle of the floor crying so hard for "Daddy" then all the sudden he just let a flood loose on the floor, poor kid just couldn't control himself, and then his wailing changed to "I poopy, I poopy" It was so sad. I'm going to hang in there, I know it'll get better, frankly I only have more pack of diapers left and don't want to buy more!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Damn is my swear word of choice... It could be worse right? I don't say it that often except when I'm really mad- like when a 2 year old dumps a whole bag of bbq chips on my CLEAN floor, I drop a large book on my toe, or nearly get broadsided in the car... anyways, it's apparently Little Man's word of choice too, there was a clock sitting on the dresser in his room, you know the kind with hands, that clicks and clicks and clicks when it's quiet. I had removed it from Squirt's room becuase he kept pointing to it. Today I heard Little Man mumble under his breath "Stupid Damn clock" and throw it down the hall. Well it's broken now, so we don't have to worry about the thing anymore!