Saturday, May 3, 2008


I've been going to Dalee's yoga class at church for the past couple of months, I also got a book from the library so I can do it on my own a couple times a week at home. I usually do it at night when the boys are already in bed, but I have done it a few times during the day when the boys are busy playing. I didn't think anyone was noticing, but last night Hubbie said Squirt came into the living room, pulling my yoga mat, he spread it out on the floor, sat down and put his hands up in the air. When Hubbie started laughing he got embarrased and ran into his room. Little Man says that I "play yoga" and he likes to "play" with me too. He's much more flexible than I am!


Train Gang said...

you are so cool! I totally wanted to draw attention to you on thrusday night to show everyone some perfect form, but did't want to embarrass you. (or discourage the others!)

{krista} said...

I like to play Yoga, too.... but I haven't done it in a long time, which probably expalins why these pants I'm wearing just don't fit like they used to.

Hey... Happy Birthday!

JT42 said...

that's great! someday i will have the energy to do yoga or pilates or even just exercise ;) i'm glad your kids are learning that exercise is fun play even though chasetin got embarassed