Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What's been going on...

Apparently, I don't update my blog frequently enough for my dad. I mean, come on. It's only been 2 months!

A lot has happened in the last 2 months, so let's get caught up, shall we?

This little girl turned the big 3!
 Her new "Princess Dress" from Grandma

 Her new babies, which both make way too much noise. This was prior to the much needed haircut in the previous post.

 She also got a big girl bed. I hadn't really planned on moving her to a big girl bed quite yet, but I had a mattress fall into my hands so we figured why not. She loves it!  Also, the blanket was one that my Grandma made for my mom. I used to use it too. She loves it!

Don't forget the cake!  I made her the yummiest "poke" cake. It was red velvet cake, I poked holes through out the cake and poured cheesecake pudding on top, then after that set up, we topped it with cool whip and crushed oreo's. It was divine! (Thank you pinterest)

And in honor of her 3rd birthday, I finally printed her baby picture and put it on the wall. So she's official now!  I have a little feet cross stitch thing in the works for the top half of the frame. I promise to have that done by her 4th birthday!

Sienna is such a fun part of our family. She is feisty, and loves to tease. She loves to fight (wrestle) and is quick to jump in to save someone if they are being attacked. I think we can say she's 99% potty trained. I can't say 100% yet because she refuses to use ANYONE elses toilet but our own.  It makes it challenging because we can't go anywhere for any length of time. She hasn't really had any accidents while we've been out though, cause she can hold it for hours!! We did have a small victory when she used the potty at the park last week. It involved alot of crying and threatening on my part. But she finally did it, clinging to me like she was going to be flushed away.   

She's starting to talk a little more clearly, although she WILL NOT talk to anyone but us. They say in Nursery she's never said a word and she's been in there now for 20 months, every Sunday.   I have friends who promise me their kids were that anti-social as little ones too and they grew out of it, I'll just hold to that promise, praying that she isn't clung to my leg for the rest of her life!   Her newest phrases are "Meet you there" (when I tell her to go play in her room) and "Phew! That was a close one!" (when she barely makes it to the potty). She's also my little shadow and won't let ANYONE do ANYTHING for her. Only MOMMY!  It's getting a little old. People say she'll grow out of that too, and I can only pray that it happens sooner than later. 

She has this quirky thing that she says that we can not figure out for the life of us. She's done it for a while now, but she'll say "2-5-6". She says it when she wants to know where we are, or when she seems to be tired. She'll say it when it seems like she wants to tell us hello, or that she loves us. It seems like she's using it as a term of endearment.  We just respond back "2-5-6" and she walks away happy. It's one of those things that I'll probably never understand but want to remember as one of her quirky ways. Scott has taken to teasing her now, responding "No, 3-5-7" She looks at him like he's absolutely crazy and then makes him say it right. She's an odd duck, that one! But, oh how we love her!!


Nancy said...

Oh sweet little Sienna! She is such a cute little girl. That is crazy about the 2-4-6 comment. By the way, thanks for the update.

Nancy said...

I mean the 2-5-6 comment.

mechan said...

she is beautiful.