It was cold there, which gave us all excuses to wear coats and gloves and hats, something we never get to do.
We missed most of the fall colors, as the leaves had mostly fallen off the trees, but that was cool too. I couldn't even get Ladybug to look at me she was so awed by the leaves.
We went up into a canyon and got some family pictures in the snow ((coming soon!)) it was very cool. All Squirt wanted to do was make a snow angel, but once we got there he was so cold all he wanted to do was go home.
We played and played and played.
Uncle Kevin taught Little Man how to ride a 2 wheeler, (he's 7, we're bad parents, lol) and it's all he's talked about since. I think I've probably ran at least 3 miles since then (just last week) along side his bike. I guess it'll pay off for me in the end too:)
I can't believe how Ladybug has grown. She is so cute. I am glad that you had a good time. Next it will be little mans turn.
You have a mini-homecoming queen! Could she be more beautiful!??
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