Sunday, August 10, 2008

Little Man's Tooth

Little Man came in my room the other morning, freaking out as only he can, because something was wrong with his tooth, when I looked, one of them was all crooked and I thought 'what the heck?!?' then I realized it was loose.

There has been several days of "when will this thing come out??"

This morning he came in my room screaming "you're going to see something very exciting happen today!!" - his tooth was barely hanging in there.

Today after church I walked into my room to this torture scene, yes those are pliars in Hubbie's hand. I grabbed my camera, snapped a pick and had to leave the room.

And here you go:

A hole in his mouth for his first day of Kindergarten. I'll have more pics tomorrow of that!!


Genny said...

WOW! What a picture!!! Congrats Chasetin :o)

Have a fun first day of school!

{krista} said...

Way to go Chasetin!!! What a great way to start school. I'm the tooth puller at my house... Cody is too afraid of hurting them, and I just get a napkin and yank it out. Ashlee's only lost two teeth, so he'll be ahead of her soon, I'm sure.

The Johnson's said...

Since I talked to scott yesterday at church, I've been waiting for this post. I told Scott that I will NEVER pull my kids teeth. It freaks me out and I STILL remember my dad pulling my teeth our with pliars. I hated it. Good job though. And way to grab your camera in the middle of chaos and torture!!! LOL :)

Train Gang said...

wow!!! this is huge. pulling teeth is such the dad's job.

oh, the Tanner story is great!