Monday, November 26, 2007

Family Pictures

Well, we had family pictures done. We had them taken at Saguaro Ranch Park, which if you've been there you know it is swarming with chickens and peacocks, needless to say Squirt was totally distracted! This one is the best though, in most of the others he's being his usual stubborn self and frowning when told to smile. Don't worry I ordered pics for moms and grandmas, sorry I'm ruining a christmas present. If anyone else wants one let me know!

This is so totally Squirt!

Pictures were done by Emily Buck- check her out at!

1 comment:

Bryce said...

Isn't the bent objects blog AWESOME!!! MOM just called me and told me she was reading my blog. HAHA Thanks for posting my link, it's good to hear people are reading my blog. Who did your pictures? They are really good.