Thursday, June 20, 2013

We interupt your regulary scheduled vacation photos...

for a birthday boy!! I can't believe he's 10 already!! It's not fair really... He was greeted when he woke up with 10 donuts, complete with candles. And about 50 balloons just thrown all over the place. I was going to fill his bedroom, but then thought better of it, when I realized how many trips I'd have to make to get them all in there. At 11:00 at night, I'm lazy... forgive me:)

Imagine a really cute picture of him excitedly opening a present here, but when I put it up to post, I realized Tanner is standing in the background in his underwear!   

 And we have one happy (spoiled) kid. Grandma Dial got him a case and Grandma Mortensen gave his $25 with which he's bought a basketball so far.
I'm sure he'll resurface again in a week or so!

Man this kid is sure growing up and he's defiantly in this weird pre-teen stage, where he's part kindof little kid, part grown up.   He was so excited to download the free texting app, and text his cousins, (and me repeatedly from the other room) and then I heard him giggling uncontrollably at some other dumb game.

He's your typical boy and loves basketball, and MineCraft. He's just a few inches shorter than me, we can share flip-flops and socks, and I finally broke down and bought the boy some deodorant, cause things were getting a little stinky around here!  He's of course dying for independence, but when I told him he could ride his bike to his friends house, he looked at me like I'd lost my mind. He's definitely Scott's kid, in that the paranoia of ALL the things that could go wrong, runs deep. The other day, I needed to run to the bank (about 5 minutes away) but didn't want to have to take all the kids, cause it was morning and this bank doesn't have a drive thru. I spent the next 15 minutes walking him through how to use the phone to call me if something went wrong, and assuring him, that it was very unlikely that in the next 10 minutes, he or Tanner would throw up, or break an arm. It would have been quicker just to make them all get dressed. He's your typical oldest child and is very responsible and is constantly disciplining his brother and sister. Most of the time it makes me cringe, cause I know that's how I must sound.

For dinner we had his favorite, PIZZA & Wings. Man can this kid ever eat. AND EAT AND EAT. I thought I'd have a few more years before I had that kind of eater on my hands.

Man, I love this kid, so much. Attitude, spunk and all.


Nancy said...

Wow, he really seems to have grown!
I am glad that he had a good birthday. I texted him, but never heard back from him. I will try it again.

Gramps said...

How about a group photo to see how much the rug rats have grown.