Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Diary of MY Wimpy Kid

I know I'm breaking some HUGE parent code by reading my son's journal, and even worse, by posting it on my blog. But I just had to, it was too funny not to. Plus, he left it on my desk, and after staring at it for like a whole minute, debating if I should read it or not, I figured... he was practically asking me to, by leaving it there.

He made a new years goal to start a journal. Here are his first 2 entries (complete with his spelling):

January 5, 2013

Ok. To start of with my journal, today is offisily the worst day of my life. for Christmas I got a 3DSXL. I only owened it for 10 days and I got it tooken away. OK, OK, I know your looking for more info about this. But it all started when we were cleaning our play room and I bent his, or I should say my brother's plastic toy axe and he yelled and elboud me in the sholder so I told on him and my dad totaly Lost it. I told on him alot befor that and we were not listening, and being so bad. So my Dad took away all of our toys, well not all of them. I have a bunch of legos in a drorw on my desk. I cried so hard that I got a non stop headake. I layed in bed for about an hour and my mom said we could get out if we cleand our room, trust me it wasn't that dirty. When we were done I had to vacum our room.

Tusday Jan 22nd, 2013

I keep forgeting to wright in here so here I am. In the 27 days since I wrote in here, things are going well. I got my toys back to.  So at school the person that sits next to me threw up and luckily she didn't get it on my stuff. 

Wasn't that just so funny?  Overall, I was impressed with his writing. (Spelling needs a little work, but we'll get there!)  I was also impressed that on the "WORST DAY OF HIS LIFE" he never said that he hated us or that we were mean. He told why they got in trouble, and recognized that they did something wrong, maybe it might have worked!!   



{krista} said...

Guilty of this myself. *blush*

This is so funny. The worst day of his life, huh? If he could only be so lucky...

Nancy said...

Yes I am impressed with his writing. If that was the worst day of his life he is doing pretty good.

Steve and Katie said...

Haha! That was so awesome. Reading that totally made me think of Anya - those two really are kindred spirits...