Friday, August 5, 2011

The stitches episode...

So anyone that is my facebook friend knows the insanity that this has caused. For those that aren't my "friends" (why aren't you my friends??)  I'll fill you in too. We were sitting in church just minding our business , Ladybug right inbetween Hubbie & I. I was helping Squirt on my right, he was helping Little Man on his left when Ladybug takes a header right off the bench and hits the hymn book holder on the way down. We both gave a collective groan as we heard her head connect with the bench. He grabbed her and took her out. He realized when he was almost to the door that she was bleeding all over him. A friend came over and sat next to me and said "Do you want to go out there? She was bleeding pretty bad, I'll sit with the boys."  I had no idea she was bleeding and I litteraly ran out of Sacrament meeting.  When I finally found Hubbie, I called his name and he turned around and she was COVERED in blood and so was he. Like, I thought her head was split open kindof blood. To show what a fab ward we have, we had a nurse come out, and 3 people to help with the boys. Squirt wanted to go home with me, but then one of the bishopric members came out and said he could sit on the stand with him, which he was thrilled to do. So we left the boys there and hauled it to the emergency room.
 Once she calmed down, and we slowed the bleeding, she was a happy girl again. This is on the way to the ER.
 Here's my poor baby sedated. She was a real champ! Sadly, I had to throw her dress and Hubbie's white shirt away. Oh well:(
And here she is the next day, happy again. She didn't even act like the stitches bothered her. We spent the next week at the cabin again. We came home on Saturday to get her stitches out, something I thought would take a matter of minutes. But oh no, this little girl doesn't sit still for anybody. So this is where the fun started. AGAIN:(

Even though we had her practically hog tied, the Dr. couldn't get the stitches out because she kept moving her eyebrows. I mean the lady was coming at her with sharp instruments, right between the eyes. I'd be freaking out too. So they sent me home and told me to come back tomorrow. They gave me Tylenol with codeine to make her sleepy. They wanted me to give it to her around nap time, it would make her really sleepy and then bring her in. YA RIGHT!  All it did was tick her off and make her hyper. So we tried again at the Dr, where it was a no go. They gave me the scissors to remove it with and told me to try at night. If I couldn't get it, I'd have to go back to the ER, and have her sedated again. The cost of another $175 co-pay was not happening so I was determined to get those things out.  I got 2 out the first night before she woke up, and then got the others out when she fell asleep in the car.  The Dr called to check on her and congratulated me for getting them out. She said maybe I should go to medical school .  I think I'll pass, thank you!


Nancy said...

Poor Baby! Hope she is doing better now. Give her a hug and kiss from Grandma!

Robyn said...

Oh my gosh. You probably should have warned us there was going to be an open wound picture. My head is feeling a little light and I'm getting a little dizzy. Anyway, I had no idea church was so dangerous. We might need bumper rails. :) Glad to know she's being such a champ!

Train Gang said...

Go you, Julia! Mom's can do anything doctors can do!! I'm so sorry she she got hurt at church.